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Frequently Asked

  • I saw where you posted that this zine is NSFW. Will pieces that are SFW also be accepted?

    • Of course, SFW would also be accepted if it is deemed appropriate to the theme. Due to the inherent gore and horror of the Bloodborne 'verse, we found it prudent to fashion our zine as a NSFW, 18+ experience. That is not to say, however, that amazing works cannot be contrived that don't feature all of that.

  • Are there any restrictions on the types of ships I can submit to the zine?

    • We're glad you asked. Yes, and no.​ Any and all ships could be accepted, providing that they do not feature adult/minor relationships or any form of non-con/abuse. We are aiming for squicky in the Orphan of Kos beating you over the head with his mother's placenta sort of way, not the 'oh hell, I've been triggered by something I wasn't expecting' way.

  • Will the zine feature NSFW sexual content?

    • Yes, we plan to allow our contributors to create works with 18+ sexual content, so long as the works fit our theme - "insight gives rise to madness." While we do not intend for our zine to feature primarily sexual content (we prefer our NSFW to be mostly due to violence/gore), we will be accepting a limited number of works of this nature. We will report this number once we have it.​

  • Can I be a mod and contributor?

    • Mods will not be considered during contributor applications, and will not affect the number of contributors we'll accept in any form. However, we acknowledge that mods will likely create pieces for the zine. 

  • What sort of compensation will contributors/mods be receiving?

    • Contributors and mods will each receive their complimentary digital copy of the zine, as well as monetary compensation. We fully intend all proceeds not eaten up by production costs (i.e. mod funds) or Ebrietas to be passed on, to better line the fine waistcoats of our auspicious contributors (see finances FAQ down below for more details).​

    • ^^Some changes to the above have been made in accordance with the skillsets and combined goals of our fully-formed mod team. All contributors and mods will still receive a complimentary digital PDF of the zine, as well as any digital merch. However, if we are able to hit certain sales goals, we may also be able to provide a complimentary physical zine! More details to be announced.

  • What kind of work would I be expected to turn out for the zine, if I am selected to contribute (writer)?

    • Bloodborne is a complex universe, intermingling H.P. Lovecraftian horror ​with the underlying theme of a government's failure to halt the progression of a deadly disease, and the catastrophic results that arise when said government attempts to cover up said failures (huh, sounds familiar). We are seeking powerful stories that explore this dark theme, accompanied by the thrilling action that is so unique to Bloodborne. Violence and gore is encouraged! Go absolutely nuts.

  • Same question as above (artist). 

    • As with the writers, Bloodborne is a complex, horror-filled universe with a colorful cast of characters that each fulfill a very niche role. The landscapes are adorned with soaring Victorian era architecture and dramatic plays on dark/light contrast. We are seeking works that can soar to similar heights. Violence and gore is encouraged! Go absolutely nuts.​

  • Will we be allowed to feature well-known Bloodborne characters (i.e. Father Gascoigne) in our pieces, or is this zine strictly for BNHA characters in the Bloodborne 'verse?

    • To best whittle down a core theme for the zine​, we deemed it necessary to cut our cast to BNHA characters alone. That isn't to say you can't construct a work ft. Father Gascoigne, it would simply need to be... say, Kurogiri. As Father Gascoigne.

    • Though, exceptions might be made for the Doll. Should it please you.

  • Will there be digital merch included in the zine bundle?

    • To be considered, per the interest check.​

  • If I become a contributor, how can I expect this zine to handle finances?

    • Profits will be split evenly between mods and contributors.

    • We plan to offer full financial disclosure to our contributors. All contributors will be able to access a comprehensive financial spreadsheet, which will include information such as production costs, profit margins from sales, etc. It's your  work, after all. We just want to create the space for something great to happen, and support our fandom's creatives while we do it! 

  • Will I be required to provide any personal information to be a contributor?

    • NOPE! We will not be collecting any personal information from you. The most we may ask from you is a shipping address to get your physical copy of the zine sent to you, should we hit our sales targets. ​

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